November 2024


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Community Events and Flyers 

IC Parent Portal

Family Handbook

24-25 Student Calendar

School Store Instructions

Volunteer Sign Up

PTO Facebook Page

  • Administration Team 
  • Parent Portal Attendance
  • Food Drive
  • Health Corner 
  • Drop-off Information
  • Winter Concert
  • Dressing for the Weather
  • Birthday Treat Policy
  • Volunteer Policy
  • Menominee PTO

Menominee Elementary School 
915 Hazel St.
Oshkosh, WI 54901

Important Dates:

24-25 Student Calendar

Nov. 27-29: No School

Fall Holiday Break 

Dec. 13: No School

Professional Development

Dec. 17: Winter Concert @ 6pm

Grades K-2 at Alberta Kimball Auditorium

Dec. 23-Jan. 1: No School

Winter Break 

Jan. 2: 1st Day Back After Break

Happy New Year!!! 

Administration Team 

Elizabeth Galeazzi 



Trina Anderson 

Assisting Principal 


Dan Powers 

Dean of Students 



Absence Excuses via the IC Parent Portal

The IC Parent Portal has an option to send a notice to our office when your child will be out of school.  Scroll all the way down on the home page and click on Absence Requests.  As soon as you know of a vacation or appointment you can send the request and then you don't have to call in the morning.  You can go back and look at all of your attendance requests from the Menu under More, Absence Requests.  Please note your child's absence will be marked as "Pending" until the actual date of the absence.  Please be sure to add a comment with the reason for the absence or symptoms if your student is ill. These requests need to be submitted before 8:15am. 



Kiwanis Food Drive 



All collected food will be donated to the Oshkosh Salvation Army to help those in need.

The food drive will run from Wednesday, November 20th through Monday, December 9th.

There will be food collection boxes located near Door #1, Door #2, and Door #13, the main entrances and exits for students during the morning and afternoon.



Health Corner


Important Drop-Off and Pick-Up Reminder:

At Menominee Elementary School, student safety is our top priority. Please help us ensure a safe environment by driving slowly and cautiously during drop-off and pick-up times. We also ask that students use the designated crosswalks when crossing the streets. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated in keeping our students safe.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter!



Winter Concert : Grades K-2



Dressing for the Weather - Outdoor Recess Requirements 🧤❄️

As the winter weather approaches, please help our students remember to come to school appropriate clothing for outdoor recess. Students go outside for two recesses during the day and one before school, unless it is raining, storming, or the temperature drops below 10 degrees.

Here are the guidelines for outdoor attire based on the temperature:

  • Below 50 degrees: A coat is required.
  • Between 50-60 degrees: Long sleeves are needed.
  • 61 degrees and above: Students may choose what they wear (shorts are allowed).

Please ensure your child has weather-appropriate items like coats, hats, mittens, snow boots and snow pants. While we do have some extra coats and hats available to borrow, these may not always be on hand, so it's best to come prepared. 



Birthday Treats

Students are not allowed to bring birthday treats, per the district snack policy. Student birthdays will be recognized by the classroom teacher and students will be given a book for their birthday sponsored by the PTO. 



Volunteer Reminders

What Volunteer Opportunities are Available? - Ask a Librarian Delaware

As a reminder, if you are interested in volunteering by helping in your child's classroom or chaperoning a field trip, you must have a pre-approved volunteer application on file before the volunteering event. Applications are good for 3 years, and are effective for all OASD schools. You can find the application HERE.

Important!: Once you have completed your application, let the office know so that we can request that the application be processed; this does not happen automatically, and can take up to 3 business days, so please plan accordingly! 



Menominee Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO)


Attached here are the minutes from our November 7 PTO meeting.

Below is our sign up for December's Hot Chocolate/Coffee bar.


We have had a busy November with our Shoe drive, Family night, Firehouse dine and donate. Thank you for all of your help and donations!

We are looking for help finding auction items. We are looking for at least 10 items. As of right now we have two sets of 4 pack tickets to EAA. If we had 10 people find an auction item it would really help. It's for our end of the year family night.

We are also thinking about a fun run towards the end of the year but would need a committee of 15-18 people to organize this.

Lastly, Sign up for Box Tops!

PTO Facebook Page